The ever growing popularity of Orange County Food Halls has ensured that I have content for this blog and
It's been a months long commitment, but I am trudging along trying to find some of the best chicken
I try not to write about a lot of restaurant chains on this blog. I'm trying not to be
I love burgers, most of America does. So much so that the average American eats three hamburgers a week.
It seems like I've been on a fried chicken sandwich binge this past month. Normally, I find them to
When I started this blog, I really tried my best to stay away from big chain restaurants. Nothing against
***Closed*** If you've ever met or had a conversation with me (I'm sorry) you know that I'm on the fence
Sessions West Coast Deli was a place that I tried around the time I started this blog. It was
If you told 18 year old Vy (in 2004 A.D.) that he would actually enjoy spending time in Irvine,
At the risk of sounding like a dusty old man, I remember when grilled cheese sandwiches were just american